Noise Sensitivity Protocol

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Noise Sensitivity Protocol

Thunder and fireworks and motorcycles, oh my!

Is your dog nervous about noises? Help them restore their confidence.
    Desensitize and counter condition
  • Have high value treats ready.
  • Start by making a noise that your dog is afraid of, but at a very quiet level and
    immediately reward your dog. You can readily find audio of sounds like thunder and
    fireworks online.
  • As she is calm with the low level noise gradually make the sound louder, stopping if she won’t eat or starts to panic, and going back to a softer sound.
  • Make it a priority to expose puppies to new sights and sounds while young. This will
    decrease the chance of him developing a fear down the road.
  • Management
  • If you can’t avoid the noise (think thunderstorms and fireworks) be sure your dog has a
    safe place like a crate or small room he can escape to if needed.
  • Use the radio or TV to drown out the noise.
  • Provide a high value, long lasting treat (stuffed Kong, favorite chew) to occupy him.
  • Try a wrap/shirt or natural supplements that are specifically designed to calm your dog.
  • If she is extremely stressed discuss medication with your vet.